Leading the Way: Insights from Our College Captains
We took the time to sit with our 2024 Coomera Anglican College Captains Poppi Brough and Tyler Kelly and learn a little more about their leadership journey. Here’s what they had to share.
What motivated you both to take on leadership roles within our College community? Can you share a bit about your journey to leadership?
Poppi: I decided to take on the role as College Captain because I have always wanted to make a difference for the people around me, and to build the College culture into an even more positive and diverse community. But, I also wanted to push myself to achieve new things even if the process was difficult. I think that is what is so important as a leader, especially during our leadership journey - which is to push ourselves to reach new goals to inspire other people. Our Class of 2024 motto is ‘Raise the Bar’ - our goal isn’t just to produce new initiatives, but to inspire everyone to do their best in even the smallest actions around College.
Tyler: I had multiple leadership positions when I was at my last school Penrith Anglican College. When starting at Coomera Anglican college in 2022, I knew that I wanted to continue my leadership journey with a leadership position in year 12. However, I only ever aspired to be House Captain and didn’t have any intentions of running for College Captain. It was through the encouragement of my Year 11 PC (Pastoral Care) teacher, Ms Gamble and my mother, that I changed my mind. Both my mum and Ms Gamble saw something in me, that I didn’t see and it was their belief in me that made me apply for the College Captain role. Now, as I reflect on that time, I can’t image what College life would be like not being in this role. The opportunities to push myself, grow as a person, and meet new people has been making this final year go beyond what I possibly expected.
How do you see your leadership positions influencing the direction and spirit of our College community? What specific experiences or moments led you to realise your potential as a leader?
Poppi: I think when you are in a position such as College Captain, you have the opportunity make a difference just by how you interact with your fellow students, especially younger students. Just a simple hello, a conversation, or doing something for someone can really impact them in a positive way and make them feel valued. I can really see the impact of this particularly in our “Sisters of Substance/Brothers of Substance groups and sessions, and even simply talking with fellow students with different interests or at College events such as the musicals or house carnivals. I realised I had the potential to be a leader, was a moment when I was having a difficult time and a younger student saying to me how much I inspired them and how I, inspired them to be a leader in the future. That one interaction made me realise that we don’t have to always do the most challenging and busy student initiative to inspire someone, it can be the simple gestures that people remember.
Tyler: From my experience I’ve had so far, the influence of participation and togetherness has been strong in boosting the spirit of our College community. A particular experience for me that has helped me realise the gravity of my position, is leading our College War Cry. As a leadership group this year our team decided to focus on College pride and tie it in with spirit of the community. The College War Cry has achieved this and I genuinely feel, especially within the senior cohorts the connections that are being made by this simple activity at the end of assemblies and other gatherings.
Can you both share any exciting plans or initiatives you have in mind for your time as a Coomera Anglican College captain? How did your past experiences or interests influence the ideas you’re bringing to the table?
Poppi: Since the beginning of the year, the student leadership team has had so many different, exciting, and new ideas to bring into 2024, which are making its way into the community. We would really love to plan large events under Sisters of Substance and Brothers of Substance, whether that be a girls/boys night or more, because we all love those programmes and feel it’s a great way to build new connections.
Outside of the College, we also have a College Captains Committee, which is made up of all the College Captains/ Executive teams across the APS schools. We are currently planning an exciting event which we hopefully move forward this year, however, if not, it is definitely feasible for next year or the year after!
Tyler: Yes, as Poppi said, the student leadership team has a multitude of exciting plans and initiatives that we want to introduce while in office and pass on a legacy to the next leadership team to take our place. However, a key initiative that I particularly want to spearhead is the Brothers of Substance (BoS) initiative. From my past experiences of BoS sessions ran by previous teams, and the ‘Find Your Feet’ programme that is run for the male students in Years 10 and 11, I want to focus on the path to becoming a better man and share that with other male students. In joint efforts with the Sisters of Substance program (SoS) we are running mentor sessions instead of assembly each term where we split into our two groups. In Term 1 this year, BoS had a great first session and the response and culture shift I’m seeing from the boys in the senior grades is really promising. I hope to develop this initiative into something that will be carried on for years to come, providing opportunities for boys to step up and take ownership of their own behaviours and take demonstrate leadership role models around the College.
As a leadership group this year our team decided to focus on College pride and tie it in with spirit of the community"
Who would you consider to be a role model who has influenced your leadership style and approach?
Poppi: I get lots of ideas and influence in my leadership from past College Captains, especially from the last few years. Looking up to them inspired me to take on the position, and their continuous support outside of school, as we stepped up into our positions, inspired me and showed me that leadership continues even after we’ve left the College. I am also inspired by our amazing Head of Student Leadership, Mrs Moore, who continues to be an anchor for us and encourages us daily.
Tyler: My style of leadership and approach to the tasks and challenges comes strongly from what my father has role-modelled to me my entire life. Working in such a large team and with so many strong-minded people and energetic characters, I lead with assertiveness, especially when coming to decision-making, keeping the team on track, and moving on with the next task to avoid getting caught up. To lead with a lot of strength and decisiveness, however, means that I need to focus on understanding situations and the logical and emotional side of things. My father’s attitudes towards challenges and situations have taught me how to be firm but forgiving in situations to make sure the best decision is made with the inclusion of everyone.
If you could choose a theme song to represent your leadership journey, what would it be and why?
Poppi: A song to represent my leadership journey might be ‘Long Live’ by Taylor Swift. The song is about being young and reminiscing on the times we had together and the success and fun we had. I think this represents my leadership journey because it has been a dream of mine for a long time, and now that I’m in the position, I want to take it with pride, and fun and experience it knowing it was done with the support of everyone around me, and most importantly finish being College Captain knowing I made a change around the College community.
Tyler: A song that I would say has represented my leadership journey and approach to the position would be ‘Livin’ On a Prayer’ by Bon Jovi. The song is about making it through the situations we find ourselves in no matter how daunting. It also tells us that we should hold onto hope and be optimistic throughout all challenges. A quote that matches this song is, “The sun always has to rise.” It means that no matter how dark it gets and challenging life becomes, the sun will always rise, bringing light and new hope.
The application process for leadership positions was quite daunting; it involved multiple interviews and a speech in front of an audience of Year 9 to 12 students, along with an application letter to the Principal. This was a stressful and nerve-wracking time while getting through the process and waiting for the result. However, the sun did, as it always does, rise again, and I fortunately got the position.
Looking ahead, what overarching goals or visions do you hope to accomplish during your time as a College Captain in your final year?
Poppi: Overall, my goal as College Captain is to inspire inclusivity and have students involve themselves throughout any aspect of the College to inspire them and make them feel confident. I want to inspire them to make the most of their school years by discovering things they enjoy, and not just trying to get through to graduation. I want to accomplish this not through just our exciting student led initiatives being planned, but through our actions and words towards the students.
Tyler: I’d call myself a bit of a gym junkie. For the last 2 years now, the gym has been a sanctuary for not only the strengthening of my physical health but also my mental health. It may seem like an odd place to unwind; however, I find it quite therapeutic. It’s a place where I can clear my mind and forget about tasks and troubles for a period of each day.