Since 1996, Coomera Anglican College has grown from strength to strength. As we continue to develop and grow, the College is delivering a significant programme of work as part of our College Strategic Intent.
Stage 1 - Primary Playground
The Primary Playground Upgrade commenced on 1 November 2022 as part of our College Master Plan, and was officially opened on 12 March 2024.
All Primary Playground designs have been founded on the design principles of promoting local context, innovation in play, sporting pursuits aligned to the College Academy programmes, fine motor skill development, curiosity and individual and group fun.
Our design is based on local coastal landscape themes and provides an opportunity for our students to engage in formal and informal activity and increase their broad awareness of Australian Ecological systems.
We are confident that our students will be very curious about the construction and that excitement will grow as the students will want to use all the new facilities they see being installed.
Project: Primary Playground Update
Commencement: 1 November 2022
Official Opening: 12 March 2023
This project has been made possible thanks to specific funding from the Queensland State Government, via the Queensland Independent Schools Block Grant Authority, for the stormwater elements of the project.
The majority of the funding is provided by Coomera Anglican College.
Stage 2 – Secondary Building
Stage 2 of the College's Master Plan commenced on 11 April 2023, this includes:
The development of a new Secondary Building
The relocation of Secondary Art
New Hardcourts
Outside School Hours Care redevelopment
Each project is an important element for delivering our College Master Plan.
New Secondary Building
The new secondary building (yet to be named) will be a 4-story building custom-built to house our leading-edge innovation and future-focused elements, designed to increase our learner attributes as we continue to educate our students with a global mindset.
The key elements comprise, although are not restricted to, the relocation of The Hub, centralization of the secondary teaching staff zone, and incorporation of subjects such as History, Chinese, Creative Industries, ICT, Design, Film, and Television.
The facility will include an incubator and entrepreneurial spaces, a vibrant canteen and café, multiple flexible learning areas, a 500-seat amphitheatre, along with newly introduced Art Studios and Hardcourts.
Project: New Innovation Centre
Commencement: 11 April 2023
Length of Project: 18 months (weather dependent)
This project has been made possible thanks to specific funding from the Queensland State Government, via the Queensland Independent Schools Block Grant Authority, for the stormwater elements of the project.
The majority of the funding is provided by Coomera Anglican College.