Hitting the Right Notes
To cater for a wide range of talents and interests, the College operates four different Music Academies designed to foster our students’ love of music along with developing their skillsets.
Music Academies
Year 5 Academy
The Year 5 Academy was established as a result of the outstanding success of the compulsory Year 4 instrumental programme. With the discovery that many year 4 students were producing wonderful musical outcomes by the end of the year, the Year 5 Academy was born as a way to extend that initial musical education by another year for interested students.
Brass Academy
The Brass family remains one of the most enduring and well-loved families of instruments. The College's Brass Academy is a popular choice for musical students, and the Academy places great importance on nurturing the Brass students and the unique contribution they can bring to an ensemble.
Bass Academy
The College is committed to supporting students through a range of opportunities in the Bass Academy, as they play a key role in a piece's harmonic and melodic structure. The bass part is the foundation upon which the melody rests.
Creative Ensemble
Creative thinking and collaborative learning are key focuses of the College, often stemming from inquiry-based tasks. The Creative Ensemble is a continuation of this theme, encouraging the development of original music.
Each academy programme is outlined in our Music Academy Prospectus.
Further to participation in an academy, students are offered pathways into additional musical opportunities and programmes, including:
- The College Musical Band
- Anglican Schools Music Festival (ASMF)
- State Honours Ensemble Programme (SHEP)
- Australian Honours Ensemble Programme (AHEP)